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Solar Pool Heating Systems

Our professional solar thermal installation team will help you provide clean, sustainable energy for your pool. Solar thermal is suitable for both residential and commercial swimming pools.

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Why Choose Solar Thermal Heating?

Solar Thermal Pool Heating is a low-cost, sustainable alternative to pool heating. Solar is a renewable energy that can help you get the most out of your swimming pool by heating it throughout the year.

It’s no secret that energy prices are continuing to rise. However, you can save money and reduce your energy bills by creating your own solar energy directly from the sun.

We provide solar thermal heating from swimming pools to homes across Suffolk and Essex. Solar thermal heating is an efficient energy source for swimming pools, providing up to 80% of the heating and energy of your pool throughout the year. Solar thermal can even provide all of your pool’s energy requirements during bright summer months.

Get a price for a Solar Pool Heating System

Get in touch with our friendly team to find out how simple it is to setup solar pool heating.

    How Solar Thermal Works

    Most solar pool heating systems include the same four key components:

    • Filter – the filter removes any debris from the water before it’s pumped through to the collector.
    • Pump – the pump is responsible for circulating the water from the pool through the thermal system.
    • Flow control valve – the valve can be automatic or manual and diverts pool water through the solar collector.
    • Solar Collectors – these are the panels that are typically fitted to your roof. The pool water is circulated through the collector and is heated by the cells.

    Solar collectors can be installed on your roof or poolside, as long as there is exposure to the sun. Our installation team will recommend the position that provides the most efficiency for your solar pool system.

    Why choose Vomax Energy?

    At Vomax Energy, we take pride in helping our customers find ways to introduce renewable energy into their homes. For example, solar thermal heating is an excellent way of heating your swimming pool. You can use clean, green energy that doesn’t negatively affect the environment, like finite fossil fuels.

    Each of our solar technicians has the technical knowledge to install efficient and cost-effective solar solutions for your home.

    What will I need?

    We are a leading provider of Solar PV installation to homes and businesses across Suffolk and Essex.

    Find out more

    Professional ASHP installation and maintenance to homes and businesses across the Southeast.

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    Frequently Asked Questions about Solar Pool Heating Systems

    We are always happy to offer expert advice and guidance to our customers. As a result, we’ve been asked a lot of questions about pool heating systems. Below you can find answers to some of the most popular questions we’ve been asked.

    The type of solar heater you need will depend on the size of your pool and weather conditions. You should consider:

    • Your desired pool temperate
    • How much space do you have for solar collectors
    • Using a pool cover to reduce evaporation and retain heat.
    • The average regional temperatures
    • Collector efficiency

    Our solar technicians will help you find the right system for your needs and budget.

    Solar collectors are still effective during overcast weather. This is because clouds don’t impact the sun’s thermal energy.

    In contrast, the rain will cool your solar collectors. However, the temperature will increase once rainfall has stopped.

    It is good practice to rinse glazed collectors, especially if there has been a lack of rainfall.

    We recommend having your solar thermal system serviced annually. Good maintenance improves the efficiency of your system and improves its lifespan.

    Solar Pool Heating System