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Solar Thermal Installation & Maintenance

Solar thermal helps you reduce your carbon footprint and save money on your energy bills. At Vomax Energy, we provide professional solar thermal installation and maintenance services to homeowners across the Southeast. In addition, we help you find the right system for your home, energy needs and budget.

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The difference between solar thermal and solar PV

Solar water heating (or solar thermal) is a renewable energy solution to heat your home’s water supply. With energy prices continuing to skyrocket and government back incentives to support solar, more and more homeowners are investing in solar.

Solar PV (photovoltaic) produces electricity for your home and, in doing so, can provide the energy needed to heat your water supply. However, solar thermal directly heats your water more efficiently.

Many homeowners choose to install a combination of solar PV and solar thermal on their roofs. Combined, the two will provide the most significant amount of renewable energy from your limited roof space.

Solar Thermal Installation

Get in touch with our friendly team to find out how simple it is to get hot water from your thermal solar system.

    How do Solar Water Heating Systems work?

    Solar thermal technology is the process of converting the sun’s energy to heat your water supply. Solar collectors are typically installed on a roof, where they receive the most sunlight. The absorber plate collects heat (solar radiation). Fans or pumps then pass fluid through the collectors where it is heated before going to your hot water cylinder.

    Solar Thermal Installation

    We have already helped hundreds of homes across Essex and Suffolk install renewable energy solutions. Our fully-trained technicians’ design, plan and install high-quality solar thermal systems that help reduce your carbon footprint and become more self-sufficient.

    During your free site survey, we will work with you to design a system that meets your energy needs and budget. Our quotes are not obligated, so we don’t pressure you to confirm. Instead, we want to ensure that every customer understands what they are getting and is delighted with their installation.

    Solar PV Installation

    Solar Thermal Maintenance

    Professional maintenance helps ensure your solar water heating system works efficiently, without losing hot water and improving its lifespan. Our experienced technicians are fluent across active and passive systems and are fully trained across all leading brands.

    At Vomax, we recommend having an annual service check and a more thorough inspection every four to five years. During the inspection, we will drain and flush your system to replace the fluid to ensure the glycol is still effective.

    ● Experienced Solar Water Heating Maintenance Technicians
    ● Highly-trained professionals
    ● Fluent across active and passive solar hot water systems
    ● An annual service improves the efficiency and longevity of your system

    Types of Solar Collector

    There are several types of thermal solar systems, each suited to different climates and installations. The team at Vomax will help you establish the most efficient method for your home.

    Unglazed Liquid Flat-Plate

    Unglazed liquid flat-plate collectors are low-cost collectors, good at capturing the energy from the sun. However, they are vulnerable to thermal losses in windy and colder climates. Because of this, these are typically only used in the summer for low-temperature applications, such as heating a pool.

    Glazed Liquid Flat-Plate Collectors

    These collectors have a selective coating fixed in a frame between glass and an insulation panel. The glazing is used to prevent solar energy from escaping.

    Glazed collectors are commonly used for domestic hot water and room heating and can be used in moderate temperatures.

    Evacuated Tube Collectors

    Evacuated tube collectors efficiently capture energy from the sun with minimal thermal losses. The solar collectors have a selective coating inside a glass vacuum tube. In addition, each tube has a sealed heat pipe to extract heat from the absorber.